Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Weaving Our Story: Weaving Our Future: Before We Begin

Weaving Our Story: Weaving Our Future

Cathy Pagano, Storyteller

If anyone is interested in joining this 6-session Wise Woman Salon, go to www.cathypagano.com.  You can find more information about the class under the classes link and you can pay $150.00 at the Donation button there.

As I put together our Story Weaving class, I’ll be sending you some early exercises to start working with. 

This is your first one.
As we begin Weaving our Story: Weaving the Future, we'll first break with our old story.  We'll need to honor it and let it go. 
To do that, we'll look at the stories that shaped patriarchy and how it has shaped our stories for good or ill. We'll also look at the many End Time Stories, the changing of the Ages, and astrological ages. 
Then you get to decide what 'big story' you're part of.  We'll take a look at the current astrological weather to forecast what's coming and then we'll work with a fairy tale about how to face behavior patterns we've outgrown so we can lay our old story to rest.   And go on to live our own authentic lives.

And when we do, we'll be back in our bodies.  We need to be grounded in our bodies if we're writing a new story.

So, we’re going to get in touch with our bodies. We're going to re-birth our senses. 

1.  Your story work is to go outside and use your senses to feel, see, taste, smell and touch Nature. What is she saying to you? Describe for yourself what the air smells like. What the water tastes like. What do you hear?  Can you hear the earth, wind and fire? Can you hear and smell the ocean waves?  

2.  Then dance it, paint it, create it, write it, play it, sing it.  Be grateful for it!  You've done this before.  Remember.

If you're praying/playing with the air or water element, ask it to temper the hurricane about to hit the southeast coast of the U.S. 
3  Create an online diary with pictures of what you’ve experienced so you remember. Or better yet, videos of what you’re experiencing – please, make sure you experience it first!

I’ll share my entry for today. With the intention that it was to open my senses. And for me to listen.
You can't see the mist clearly but it was there.

  When I finished working today, the rain had stopped and the sun was out.   I needed to get out too.  So I drove down to my favorite beach. And as I drove along the coastal road, I could see a layer of fog over the ocean stretching down the coast.

At the beach, the fog was misty and the wind blew off the ocean and blew the sand, transforming the air into hazy light.  As I watched people's clothes wiped by the wind, I was reminded of a very different landscape – the summer desert at Burning Man.  Although I have never gone myself, many of my friends went. And I heard the stories.

Now I was there.  In a magic landscape out of time.  With a snaky fog crawling across the sky.

 Then I saw a little girl -- she looked no more than 3 years old -- go running by me straight into the waves, calling for her father to hurry.  she dove into the foaming waters, jumping up, being joyful.  And I remembered that my dad had taken me into the ocean when I was just 2 years old and by 3, I was just like her.  Eager to play in the rough waters.
The Little Mermaid

Unfortunately, I can't download the video of her swimming.  She was AWESOME!  And I remembered something awesome about myself and my dad.

So, this gives you an idea of what you can do as you fine tune your senses.  And see if your dreams are impacted in any way.  

Begin to notice your life.

We'll talk soon.

Once again, if anyone is interested in joining this 6-session Wise Woman Salon, go to www.cathypagano.com.  You can find more information about the class under the classes link and you can pay $150.00 at the Donation button there.


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